
John 18:1-27: Jesus You're Under Arrest!

Most of us would hate the thought of being arrested and brought to trial. If we were guilty of a crime, being arrested would be humiliating. But if we were innocent, it would be devastating. Yet in what should have been a demeaning experience for Jesus, we see again his majesty and glory. Jesus uses an experience of attack, betrayal and abandonment to demonstrate his confident trust in the Father. His calm assurance will help us face life's hurts and injustices with the same trust in the same Father.

Warming Up to God

Think about a time when you realized you had committed a deep sin. How did you feel when you took it before Christ? Thank him for his grace to you then and now.
Read John 18:1-27

Discovering the Word

  • Why would Jesus go to a place where Judas knew he might be found (vv. 1-3)?
  • When the soldiers say they are seeking Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus replies "I am he" (lit. "I am"; v. 5). How would you explain the reaction of the soldiers (v. 6)?
  • What insight do Peter's action and Jesus' rebuke (v. 11) give you about our attempts at times to "help God out" in our own strength and wisdom?
  • Think back to the deepest sin of your life. How does a look at your own sin change your attitude toward Peter's denial of Jesus?
  • What specific events in this passage display (a) Jesus' courage, (b) his power and (c) his obedience to the Father?

Applying the Word

  • What can we learn from Peter's failure about being ready to stand against the world's challenges?
  • How will this study change the way you will face a time of testing in your own life?

Responding in Prayer

Ask God to make you ready to face difficulties with grace.