
John 17: The Master’s Final Prayer

The approach of death has a way of bringing our priorities into focus. People who know death is imminent also know what is really important in life and who they really care about. In Jesus’ final prayer with his disciples, he prays for himself, for them and for you! Every believer is on Jesus' mind as he faces the greatest trial of his life—the cross.

Warming Up to God

Spend some time reflecting on God’s glory. To what extent is God's glory foremost in your mind on a daily basis? Explain.
Read John 17

Discovering the Word

  • Jesus makes only one request for himself—that the Father would glorify him so that he might glorify the Father. In what way would each one glorify the other (vv. 1-5)? Why do you think that was so important to Jesus?
  • According to verses 6-19, what specific ministries did Jesus have toward his disciples?
  • Twice Jesus asked the Father to protect his disciples from the evil one (vv. 11, 15). Why would that protection have been so important in Jesus' mind as he faced the cross?
  • Jesus prayed that those who believe in him would be one "so that the world may believe that you have sent me" (vv. 21, 23)? Why is our unity a powerful argument for the reality of Jesus?

Applying the Word

  • Jesus also asked the Father to sanctify his disciples through his word (v. 17). How can we allow God's Word to have that kind of effect on our lives?
  • Jesus obviously prayed this prayer out loud to bring comfort and assurance to his disciples. In what particular ways do Jesus' words encourage or assure you?

Responding in Prayer

Ask God to bring unity to your church or fellowship.