
John 14: Comfort for a Troubled Heart

The call came late at night. A broken sob was followed by these words: "Our son is dying. Will you please come to the hospital?" As I made the trip through darkened streets, I wondered what I could say to bring comfort to these heartbroken parents. Jesus faced that challenge too. In this chapter he comforts eleven disciples who feel like their world is coming unglued.

Warming Up to God

What is troubling you? Give it to God, and wait before him to receive his comfort.
Read John 14

Discovering the Word

  • How would the promises Jesus makes in verses 1-4 bring comfort to his disciples?
  • In light of verses 5-14, why is it crucial for our focus to be on Jesus himself?
  • According to Jesus, how will the Spirit bring comfort and help to his followers (vv. 15-27)?
  • What is the relationship between our love and obedience to Jesus and his love and presence in our lives (vv. 15-24)?
  • How does the peace Christ offers differ from that which the world offers (vv. 25-31)?

Applying the Word

  • Think of a friend who is going through a personal crisis. How could this chapter help you to minister to that person?
  • How can Jesus' words help you in a personal crisis or when you have a troubled heart?

Responding in Prayer

Ask God to comfort someone you know who is troubled.