
John 12: The King's Last Acts

If you have ever felt rejected or misunderstood, you know how Jesus felt as his public ministry came to an end. The hostility against him had risen to a fever pitch. His gentle compassion and abundant miracles were met with oppression and violence. Jesus knew what none of his friends knew—that he was about to die. In spite of the fleeting attempts of the crowd to make him King, Jesus chose the way of the cross.

Warming Up to God

If you knew for sure that you had only one week to live, what would you do with that week?
Read John 12

Discovering the Word

  • What motivates Mary to pour expensive perfume on Jesus' feet?
  • Judas objects to Mary’s extravagance. What motives and wrong thinking lie behind his objection (vv. 4-8)?
  • What do the shouts of the crowd tell us about their expectations of Jesus (vv. 12-10)?
  • How do Christ’s statements about his mission clash with the crowd's expectations (vv. 23-28)?
  • When we stubbornly refuse to believe, what happens to our spiritual senses, and why (vv. 37-41)?
  • Jesus’ last public message to his people is recorded in verses 44-50. What indications do you find that he is still reaching out in love and grace to those who have rejected him?

Applying the Word

  • In what ways should we be extravagant in our devotion to Jesus?
  • How can you apply the example of Jesus to people who reject you or your testimony about Christ?

Responding in Prayer

In your own life are you more interested in earthly acclaim and glory or are you willing to lose your life for Christ's sake? Examine your direction and life goals in the light of Jesus' commitment to do the will of the Father.