Hongyan Rebecca 10:53 PM上周他們跟攝影師淩永紅去拍攝的地方,楓葉。 GPS定位
1. Sir H Burrell Dr, Wentworth Falls NSW 2782
2 .166 Leura Mall, Leura NSW 2780
3. 81 Wentworth St, (wentworth public school) Blackheath NSW 2785
4. 54 the ave Mount Wilson
5 Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah, Bells Line of Rd, Mount Tomah NSW 2758
1. Sir H Burrell Dr, Wentworth Falls NSW 2782
2 .166 Leura Mall, Leura NSW 2780
3. 81 Wentworth St, (wentworth public school) Blackheath NSW 2785
4. 54 the ave Mount Wilson
5 Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah, Bells Line of Rd, Mount Tomah NSW 2758