Not long ago I had a series of conversations with a young man about Jesus Christ and why faith in him is so important. At first, the young man was interested. He was open to listen to God’s Word and to consider Christ’s claims. As time went on, however, he became more and more hostile to Christ. Finally, he told me that he didn’t want to pursue his investigation any further. He had decided to reject Christ and his offer of salvation.
That is precisely the pattern that John traces in his Gospel. In the early chapters, men and women responded to Jesus with belief. Then some of those who were following him turned away. Now open warfare breaks out between Jesus and his enemies—and yet, some still seek the truth. This chapter will help you respond positively to the wide variety of attitudes toward Jesus today.
Warming Up to God
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." These are Jesus’ words to us today. In what way do you need Jesus’ spiritual refreshment? Be quiet before him and experience the "streams of living water."Read John 7:1-52
Discovering the Word
- The first blast of hostility against Jesus comes from his own family (vv. 1-13). How would you characterize the statements made by Jesus' brothers (vv. 3-5)?
- When Jesus makes his presence in Jerusalem known, people begin to challenge the origin (and, therefore, the authority) of his teaching. According to Jesus, how can we verify the truth of his teaching (vv. 16-18)?
- What other opinions or questions do people have about Jesus in verses 20-36?
- How does Jesus respond to each one?
- On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, large vats of water were poured out on the pavement of the temple court as a reminder of God's provision of water in the wilderness. With that custom in mind, how would you explain the significance of Jesus' remarks in verses 37-39?
Applying the Word
- What counsel would you give a believer who faces spiritual opposition from his or her family?
- Which of the opinions about Jesus you have identified in this chapter are still expressed today, and in what way?
- Based on Jesus' example, what should our response be to such reactions?