The story circulated for days in the hospital where my brother worked. An orderly was told to take a body to the morgue. Simply out of habit, the orderly felt the man's wrist for a pulse. When he realized his mistake, the orderly quickly dropped the arm, but not before his sensitive fingers told him something his mind struggled to believe. There was a pulse! The doctors were called, and the man revived.
That story may or may not be true. But I know of one account of a man coming back to life that is true. The man lived for years after the event. In fact, he is still alive.
Warming Up to God
Imagine being with Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus preparing Jesus' body for burial. What thoughts and feelings would have gone through your mind?Read John 20
Discovering the Word
- John records three witnesses to the empty tomb: Mary Magdalene, Peter and "the other disciple" (John himself). What important details do we learn from each one (vv. 1-9)?
- John also records three appearances of the risen Christ: to Mary, to his disciples and to Thomas. Why do you think Mary doesn't immediately recognize Jesus (vv. 10-15)?
- After she does recognize him, what impresses you most about their encounter (vv. 16-18)?
- When Jesus appears to his disciples, what specific gifts and promises does he give them (vv. 19-23)?
- Finally, Jesus appears to Thomas (vv. 24-29). How does Thomas's attitude—both before and after Jesus appears to him— add credibility to the resurrection?
Applying the Word
- What do you learn from Jesus' encounter with Thomas about dealing with people who have doubts about Christianity?
- Who could you help to understand and believe the claims of Christ?
- John tells us why he has written his Gospel in verses 30-31. Of all the "miraculoussigns" John has included, which have been most convincing to you? Why?